Equality and diversity
We pride ourselves on being a fully inclusive school, where no child is discriminated against, either because of background or ability. We are committed to equal treatment for all pupils.
We value each individual as an important member of the school community
We are committed to opportunities which offer equal opportunities to boys and girls. Each individual in Mayville is respected equally, irrespective of gender, age, social, ethnic or religious background.
We aim to foster an understanding of cultural diversities, to create a positive attitude towards the multi-cultural society in which we live. Each pupil at Mayville has a duty to treat everyone within our school community, and beyond, with fairness and understanding, recognising that a person’s gender, race, religion, abilities or social circumstances are not subjects for negative behaviour of any kind.

Pupils’ natural tolerance, understanding and sensitivity towards those from different cultural backgrounds, and for the diverse individual needs or characteristics of other pupils, is a strength of the school and a testament to the rapid personal development that takes place in relation to their starting points."
ISI Inspection report, January 2020