Able, gifted & talented
At Mayville, we are committed to specialist provision for all aspects of pupils’ educational needs.
We therefore ensure that Able, Gifted and Talented pupils are identified early in their school careers and receive appropriate acknowledgment, support and challenge as they grow and develop within the School. Our Able, Gifted and Talented pupils have the potential to become the leaders, thinkers and creators of the future and we value and nurture them accordingly.
Specialist support and monitoring
Provision for Able, Gifted and Talented pupils enjoys specialist co-ordination and will be found throughout the school, recognising and cultivating excellence and potential across the year groups.
Able pupils are highlighted by our tracking system and academic policies, which ensure that they are consistently and appropriately stretched and stimulated. Equally, pupils benefit from a carefully-developed enrichment programme, with apt specialist support.

Dedicated activities
Activities for the Able, Gifted & Talented range from leading roles in Dance Live! and School sports teams to clubs in Art, Dance, MFL and ICT. We participate in Maths Challenges, follow book awards and provide dedicated specialist days in Science. Pupils have the opportunity to extend their interest and curiosity in wide-ranging ways, whether it is Greek, Business or the Cold War. Conferences, workshops and events acquaint pupils with subjects which look beyond the present curriculum and to academic futures and there are inspirational academic and vocational speakers.
Identified pupils are given the opportunity to challenge themselves further by taking the official MENSA test. Our AG&T co-ordinators liaise closely with pupils and parents to ensure they are prepared and feel confident in taking on the challenge. This year 40 pupils sat the test, all scoring a higher than average IQ result with an exceptional 14 being offered MENSA membership for achieving a score within the top 2% of the population. This success is celebrated by staff and informs how these pupils should access the curriculum.
Each subject area provides in class and co-curricular opportunities to support pupils in their particular area of giftedness or talent. Some notable examples include:
- Dance Live!
- World Wise Quiz
- Chichester University Lit Fest
- Maths Challenge
- IBM challenge
- Shakespeare Schools Festival
- Enterprise Week
- UK Parliament Loan Scheme
- Victorious
- ESU and Youth Speaks Debating competitions
- School Poet Laureate